Annual General Meeting
From: 7:00pm until 8:00pm
Friends of Bolivia AGM 2017
This year’s AGM takes place at 7PM on
20 July at the Chapter Room, St Mark’s Church,
St. Mark's Place, Wimbledon, SW19 7ND.
This is your chance to find out more about Friends of Bolivia, all our activities during last year (2016-2017,) what we’re working on right now, what our plans for the future are and also how to get involved.
Important Changes to the Constitution
This is your chance to have your say in how FoB is run, so please do come along. Please let us know if you will be attending by reply, or call or message 07506 593627.
We will be discussing very important changes to the constitution, being introduced to bring it in line with current practise, so all members who can attend are urged to come along!
Friends of Bolivia is run entirely by volunteers. We rely on fundraising activities and voluntary donations to support our different projects across Bolivia. Friends of Bolivia operates on a 100% donations policy; every penny of your donations received is used strictly for charitable purposes.
Administration and running costs are met by membership fees.
Come an join us.
The Friends of Bolivia Management Committee