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Double Event: Dr. Eduardo Machicado’s talk on the archaeology of eastern Bolivia & a Meet-up with the 2017 Chevening Scholars.

Fri 27Oct2017

Dr. Eduardo Machicado's talk on the archaeology of eastern Bolivia followed by a Meet-up with the 2017 Chevening Scholars.

From: 18:30

Anglo Bolivian Society

Room G34, Senate House, The Court Room, Malet Street, WC1E 7HU


This event is organised by the Anglo Bolivian Society

Double Event: Dr. Eduardo Machicado's talk on: "100 years of exploration in the Llanos de Moxos: Reflections on past, present and future of the archaeology of eastern Bolivia" followed by a Meet-up with the 2017 Chevening Scholars.

Each of the Chevening Scholars will give a brief introduction to their work before Eduardo Machicado's talk on archaeology in the Beni lowlands. Please join us!

On Friday 27 October at Senate House, 6.30pm

Places can be reserved at

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